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CompositionToday Interviews

CT talks to Erik Carlson from the New York Miniaturist Ensemble, a group that only plays music with 100 notes or fewer.

After our recent collaborations we're delighted that NMC have kindly offered an exclusive deal to CompositionToday visitors - mention Composition Today when you order a CD via their website and receive a free copy of their excellent sampler New Stock.

C:T talks to label NMC, a unique record label specializing in British Contemporary Music.

We're in the process of improving our composers database in a number of ways, and one of those is the addition today of NMC recordings by a number of artists (see for example Birtwistle or Finnissy. We're going to be adding sample clips as well (this page is one of the first) so you can browse the database for interesting new works.

We'd like to add other modern recordings, so if you happen to own a record company, get in touch!

C:T talks to Robin Holloway, a leading figure in British contemporary music, both as composer (his Fourth Concerto for Orchestra for the San Francisco Symphony and Michael Tilson Thomas is to be premiered in Feb 2007) and as a teacher (pupils include an extraordinary range: Judith Weir, Robert Saxton, Jonathan Dove, Michael Zev Gordon, Erollyn Wallen, George Benjamin, Thomas Adès, as well as our own interviewer, Andrew Thomas)

We've added a 'random listen' feature over on the left side of the page. This is an easy way to listen to some of the music composers have uploaded to their showcase sites.

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C:T talks to British composer Richard Causton, whose recent work, Between Two Waves of the Sea, was premiered by the CBSO at Symphony Hall, Birmingham to critical acclaim.

The results of our second workshop for composers are now available online. In Autumn 2005 we put out a call for pieces, and last week leading UK violinist Susanne Stanzeleit came and recorded no less than 13 pieces which you can now view and listen to online. Each page has a comments form at the bottom, and we'd love to get feedback from the composers themselves and other CT members.

We are hoping to do more workshops in the near future. If you have any requests for a particular instrument please post a message in the forum

C:T: talks to Rarescale, a UK group dedicated to promoting new music for the alto flute.

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Mark Grey Interview
C:T talks to U.S. composer Mark Grey.
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