Joe Miserendino - Reflections Movement 1 "Wistful"
Susanne found Joe Miserendino's very natural to play and had no technical difficulties. There was some discussion of the bowing used in bar 20. Susanne played the dotted-quaver/semiquaver pattern
with the same bow, changing bow direction after each group of two notes. Susanne meantioned that there were various ways one could play this. If it were played with a new bow for each note, the result would be more 'bouncy', almost as if the dotted quaver were notated as a quaver, followed by a semiquaver rest.
Beautifully played. Susanne wonderfull playing brought to life the sounds in my head enriched by her talent. I'm always thrilled when I hear my music performed - but even more delighted when it is so well done.
Thank you Susanne
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