Judith Weir : Ancora: Blond Eckbert

| Blond Eckbert, Judith Weir's first opera, is based on Ludwig Tieck's folk-like tale of a quiet elderly couple whose secluded life eerily unravels as their fantastical past catches up with them. The music's apparent simplicity, with echoes of Weber's Freischütz - belies its underlying darkness. This disc was originally released on Collins Classics in 1994, and reissued with funding from Arts Council England.
"Judith Weir's hour-long chamber opera is a miniature masterpiece. Based on a German folktale by Ludwig Tieck, it tells the story of a man who discovers his wife is actually his sister. Weir evokes a folk-like setting against the background of the Harz mountains with simple, undulating patterns, endearing in their repetitive naivety. But underneath one senses something unsettling... It's brilliantly done, and most economically." London Evening Standard 2005
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Track Listing | Track Time | MP3 | Act 1: Flying Prelude | 6'01 | | Act 1 sc i: Eckbert and Berthe at home | 5'22 | | Act 1 sc ii: Walther has arrived | 5'45 | | Act 1 sc iii: Berthe's Ballad | 13'52 | | Act 1 sc iv: Strohmian! | 5'12 | | Act 2 Prelude: Walther's Death | 6'39 | | Act 2 sc i: Berthe's last words | 3'28 | | Act 2 sc ii: Accusation | 7'08 | | Act 2 sc iii: Eckbert, fugitive | 5'55 | | Act 2 sc iv: At the end | 5'31 | |
Composers on this discJudith Weir