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Member Profile - emburke

Name Elliott M. Burke
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User Name emburke
Member Status  Part Member
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Date of birth 04/09/1959
Region United States  
Interests World Music, Jazz, Experimental
Profile I`m a music composer/ sound designer, writer, researcher and the founder and artistic director of Ishah `El theatre arts, a non-profit, multi-cultural theatre arts organization involved in the development, education, support, promotion and production of theatre with an emphasis on faith and spirituality. I have some ambitious plans in the works that I will be revealing here and elsewhere soon: more music, writing, audio plays and podcasts of current projects. Currently I`m working on getting my website completed, updating all of these various social web sites, FUNDRAISING, and in the near future will be on several collaborative sites. I hope I find you there.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation through Paypal to Ishah `El theatre arts.
We are a U.S. registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit charity organization & your support is valuable to our success.

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Theatre Communications Group