Matthew Pollard (b.1977) studied at the Huddersfield University with Dr Margaret-Lucy Wilkins and is currently completing a DPhil in composition with Prof Martin Butler at Sussex University. His works have been performed by Tacet, Lontano, the London Gay Symphony Orchestra, the Paragon Sax Quartet and the Composers' Orchestral Project at the RAM, among many others. His first opera, "The Diary", was performed by Heather Cairncross in Brighton in December 2003. He is currently at work on a revision of "The Diary" and a piece for small string orchestra.
Matthew is conductor of the Tacet Ensemble and MD of the Rainbow Chorus. His recent performances have encompassed works by Vivaldi, Handel, Mozart, Orff and Stravinsky. He has given over 40 premieres, including John Mayer's Recorder Concerto (with Piers Adams) and works by Martin Butler and Alison Kay. He was the founder/conductor of Kaleidoscope Ensemble (now known as Vamos), performing works by Lang and Wallen at the 1999 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival and a concert of American C20th classics at the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. Upcoming in his schedule are engagements with Tacet Ensemble on Junctions (a collaborative series of concerts with folk musicians) and further concerts with the Rainbow Chorus.
Matthew is also active in education. He has been an Associate Tutor at Sussex University and worked as a lead composer on a SoundInventors project in August 2004.