Martin Stein - Composer  

A very warm welcome to the Composition:today website of Martin Stein

You can find out more information about myself on my official website!

I am actually a hobby musician, not a real composer (although I have done some quartet arrangements for my father's Flute Orchestra) and I am a hobby musician (Blues/Jazz guitar).

The purpose of this Composition:today website is to draw your attention to my Music Composition Project within a vast pool of composers networked by the Internet:
Million Dollar Music Composition

When you visit this website you will notice that the development of the Million Dollar Composition concept has been stimulated by the success of Alex Tew's Milliondollarhomepage . I have taken up the concept and added more than just a twist. I developed it further into a broader concept combining the advertising-by-the-pixel idea with another creative dimension/universe: music composition as content!

As a by-product I (think I) invented a new concept in music composition (at least I haven't heard of it before): I provide a platform that allows various people worldwide to create a piece of music within a remote team, networked together using the Internet!

This concept of collaborative music composition contradicts the standard way of music composition. Usually this is a solitary activity: most musical compositions are the work of a single person or a limited group of people interacting personally, trying to satisfy only their own distinctive musical taste. However, the contribution to the Million $ Composition requires a completely different mindset, a team-based approach. Collaboration for composers can be a very productive endeavour. It produces music which would have unlikely been produced individually and also obliges the composers to make conceptual compromises they might not ususally have to do. It frees up the creative spirit as each artist has to let go of their individual vision to accomodate the thinking of the other. The OTHER is the crucial element in collaboration, it not alone designates the other composer but also implicates the unseen, inexperienced, unknowable, unthinkable and inconceivable of the former. I am really looking forward to the outcome, as the composers are advertisers at the same time. Thus, they have to consider the audience as they want to reach out to a larger audience and attract them to the music as well as to their advertisements.

Tip 1: On my Music Composition Resources subpage you will find Internet resources covering many aspects of music composition.
Tip 2: On my Composition Competitions & Songwriting Contests subpage you will find a listing of websites containing links, short descriptions and deadlines of ongoing International Music Composition Competitions and Songwriting Contests. Feel free to submit information about composition competitions and songwriting composition contests (not already listed) using the form
at the bottom of this site.

If you like the idea of the Million Dollar Compsosition, feel free to tell (or email to) your friends, or even put a link to the Million Dollar Composition from your website.
And don't hesitate to buy notes!

I am really looking forward to seeing and hearing YOUR contributions.
Best regards
Martin Stein
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