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8 Jul 
9 Jul 
10 Jul 
11 Jul

United Kingdom
 Thursday, August 11, 2016 at  
English National Opera
London Coliseum
United Kingdom

Shanghai Opera

Thunderstorm is an award-winning modern opera about family, society and corruption in Old Shanghai. Zhou Puyuan is the head of a wealthy, successful and seemingly happy Shanghai household. But a storm is gathering… for behind this veneer of respectability lies a web of intrigue, and a dark family secret. As corruption is exposed and his family disintegrates, Zhou is confronted with a changing society and the emergence of a new China.

Based on the acclaimed play by Cao Yu, and set to music by legendary composer Mo Fan, this lavish production of Thunderstorm is a beautiful evocation of the atmosphere of Old Shanghai and not to be missed.

Performances: 11 12 13 14 Aug

Mo Fan : Thunderstorm

12 Jul

United Kingdom
 Friday, August 12, 2016 at 14.30 - 15.30 
Guitar Selection Box
St Andrew's and St George's Church
George Street, Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Tickets: £10 (£8 concession)
Stephen Morrison, solo guitar

John Gourlay : Seven Ages

12 Jul

 Friday, August 12, 2016 at  
Mark Simpson Hommage à Kurtág World premiere
Edinburgh International Festival

Mark Simpson Clarinet
Antoine Tamestit Viola
Pierre-Laurent Aimard Piano

Three of the world’s finest chamber musicians, each also a respected soloist in his own right, come together for a concert celebrating the fantasy of Robert Schumann and the playfulness of Hungarian composer György Kurtág, who is 90 this year.

Pierre-Laurent Aimard is a world-renowned French pianist, producing important, sometimes provocative interpretations of music from all eras. French viola player Antoine Tamestit is equally in demand as a soloist and chamber musician, and has been acclaimed for previous Festival performances in Trio Zimmermann. Liverpool-born Mark Simpson is highly respected as both a clarinettist and composer, and widely regarded as one of Britain’s most exciting young talents.

Together they explores the richly imaginative, fairy-tale music of Schumann’s Märcherenzählungen and Märchenbilder, interspersed with humorous miniatures by Kurtág, and homages from Italian composer Marco Stroppa and Simpson himself.

Mark Simpson : Hommage à Kurtág
Gyorgy Kurtág : Signs, Games and Messages
Robert Schumann : Bunte Blätter
Robert Schumann : Märchenbilder
Marco Stroppa : Hommage à Gy. K
Gyorgy Kurtág : Hommage à Robert Schumann
Robert Schumann : Märchenerzählungen

12 Jul

 Friday, August 12, 2016 at  
Pierre Boulez A Celebration
Edinburgh International Festival

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Matthias Pintscher conductor

Composer, conductor and musical pioneer Pierre Boulez, who died in January, was one of the most influential figures in 20th- and 21st-century cultural life. This very special event celebrates his 56-year relationship with the Edinburgh International Festival as one of its closest and most cherished contributors.

Boulez’s connections with Edinburgh go right back to the second ever International Festival, in 1948, and he returned many times over the subsequent five decades with the Ensemble Intercontemporain, which he founded in 1976, as well as with many of the world’s leading orchestras.

German composer and conductor Matthias Pintscher was a close friend of Boulez and is a world-renowned interpreter of his music, also following in the great Frenchman’s footsteps as musical director of the Ensemble Intercontemporain. In this special concert, Pintscher directs the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in music reflecting Boulez’s rich musical legacy and distinguished Edinburgh connections.

Boulez conducted Berg’s powerful Three Pieces for Orchestra several times at the International Festival, and Debussy’s exquisite La mer was one of the very first works he brought to Edinburgh, in 1965. Pintscher begins and ends the tribute concert with two of Boulez’s most personal works: his affectionate Mémoriale, and the colourful, lyrical ‘Don’ from his monumental Pli selon pli.

Pierre Boulez : ‘Don’ from Pli selon pli
Alban Berg : Three Pieces for Orchestra
Claude Debussy : La Mer
Pierre Boulez : Mémoriale (…explosante-fixe…Originel)

12 Jul

 Friday, August 12, 2016 at 7.30pm 
Salzburger Festspiele
various, Salzburg, Austria
ttel.: +43-662-8045-500

HK Gruber, Chansonnier and Conductor
œnm . österreichisches ensemble für neue musik

Friedrich Cerha : Quellen
Kurt Schwertsik : Adieu Satie, Op. 86
HK Gruber : Zeitfluren
Friedrich Cerha : I. Keintate

13 Jul 
14 Jul

 Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 11am 
Ensemble intercontemporain
Lucerne Festival

Ensemble intercontemporain
IRCAM – Centre Pompidou computer music design
Matthias Pintscher conductor

How does space become sound? That’s the question composer-in-residence Olga Neuwirth investigates in her large ensemble work Le Encantadas, which she completed last year – and which superimposes two entirely different island worlds. On the one hand these involve the Galapagos, the “enchanted islands” as Herman Melville describes them in his series of sketches The Encantadas depicting an antediluvian wasteland of lava rock populated only by prehistoric reptiles. On the other hand it involves the lagoon city of Venice, where Neuwirth has lived for several years. More precisely: the Venetian Church of San Lorenzo, where she attended the 1984 world premiere of Luigi Nono’s Prometeo and whose specific acoustics (including its unique reverberation) she has reconstructed using electronic means. “The listener is led over the course of 70 minutes through a labyrinth of real and fictitious outdoor spaces, interiors, varied (sonic-)island worlds, and acoustic and manipulated phenomena,” says Neuwirth of her “fictional space-time journey.”

Olga Neuwirth : Le Encantadas o le avventure nel mare delle meraviglie

14 Jul

 Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 19.30 
Salzburger Festspiele
various, Salzburg, Austria
ttel.: +43-662-8045-500

Mark Simpson, Clarinet
Antoine Tamestit, Viola
Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano

Mark Simpson : Hommage à Kurtág (2016) for clarinet, viola and piano
Gyorgy Kurtag : Játékok (Spiele) for piano
Robert Schumann : Bunte Blätter, Op. 99
Gyorgy Kurtág : Signs, Games and Messages for viola solo
Robert Schumann : Märchenbilder for viola and piano, Op. 113
Marco Stroppa : Hommage à Gy. K.
Gyorgy Kurtág : Hommage à R. Sch
Robert Schumann : Märchenerzählungen, Op. 132

15 Jul 
16 Jul 
17 Jul

 Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 8pm 
Bregenz Festival


Music director Dirk Kaftan
Stage director Johannes Erath
Set & costume designer Katrin Connan
Lighting Desinger Markus Holdermann
Dramaturg Olaf A. Schmitt
Sound director Norbert Ommer

Hanna Measha Brueggergosman
Joseph Holger Falk
Inge Annika Schlicht
Arbeiter/Simon Taylan Reinhard
Boss/Martin Maciej Idziorek

Ensemble Modern

Chamber opera (2011) – libretto by Tom Holloway
after The Secret Life of Words by Isabel Coixet
First performance in Austria
Sung in English with German surtitles

Two people meet on a disused oil rig. They don't know each other; he can't see her and she doesn't want to listen to him. She looks after the injured man in a dispassionate way; he begins to desire the woman that helps him. Both harbour a dark secret that shapes their lives traumatically. In their inability to open up to another person, they both find a possibility for tentative trust. Isabel Coixet's film The Secret Life of Words has been adapted for the stage and the Czech composer Miroslav Srnka has produced a score of great sensitivity. It's only in singing that the two main characters Hanna and Joseph find a means of expressing themselves. They dampen down the noise of the outside world by the music that comes from inside them. Musicians acclaimed in the 2015 season – soprano Measha Brueggergosman, baritone Holger Falk and Ensemble Modern – will be returning to the Bregenz Festival this coming summer to give the work its first performance in Austria.

Miroslav Srnka : Make No Noise

17 Jul

United Kingdom
 Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 14.30 - 15.30 
Guitar Selection Box
St Andrew's and St George's Church
George Street, Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Tickets: £10 (£8 concession)
Stephen Morrison, solo guitar

John Gourlay : Seven Ages

18 Jul 
19 Jul 
20 Jul

 Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 11am 
Lucerne Festival

Matthias Pintscher conductor

Take a trip into a magic garden of sounds! In hij 1 Mark Andre makes the orchestra snarl, creak, groan, and buzz, and it’s a genuine pleasure: For stretches the winds take off their mouthpieces, playing what sound like percussion instruments, while the string players use picks to make their strings vibrate. A century ago, Igor Stravinsky was also expanding and refining the sound of the orchestra for his classic ballet score The Firebird and using beguiling mixtures of color and lavish melody to evoke the world of Russian fairy-tale. To start his inaugural concert as Principal Conductor of the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY, Matthias Pintscher has also selected a major orchestral work by György Ligeti, the tenth anniversary of whose death is being remembered this summer. In San Francisco Polyphony Ligeti continues to build on the shimmering clouds of sounds of his famous Atmosphères while developing starker dramatic contrasts and a “polyphony that is more transparent, more clearly defined.”

Gyorgy Ligeti : San Francisco Polyphony
Marc Andre : hij 1 for Orchestera
Igor Stravinsky : L'Oiseau de Feu

21 Jul

 Sunday, August 21, 2016 at  
Yann Tiersen
Edinburgh International Festival

French composer and multi-instrumentalist Yann Tiersen is best known for his quirky score to Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s 2001 film Amélie. But that only scratches the surface of his enormously rich, magical musical output. Tiersen creates fragile, evocative soundscapes of achingly beautiful melodies, immediately recognisible but impossible to categorise. He’s been compared with classical composers Chopin and Satie, or minimalists Philip Glass and Michael Nyman.

After touring the globe for nearly a decade in planes and buses, Tiersen is now slowly cycling around the world, stopping for performances both in traditional venues and in the wilderness. At the end of 2015 he made an expedition through the northernmost reaches of Norway, where he played at a special festival for the Sami people. His Edinburgh International Festival concerts marks the up coming release of his new album EUSA.

21 - 22 August 2016
The Hub

Yann Tiersen : Various

21 Jul

 Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 1pm 
Lucerne Festival

Konstantia Gourzi conductor

The Greek musician Konstantia Gourzi is doubly talented and has found equal success as a composer and conductor. For her debut conducting the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY she will also premiere a brand-new orchestral work of her own. Her program juxtaposes this piece with three musical positions from the 1950s and ʼ60s. Gourzi’s fellow Greek Iannis Xenakis evokes an archaic ritual sacrifice in Le Sacrifice, the second part of his orchestral triptych Anastenaria. The Danish Per Nørgård meanwhile explores infinity through trancelike sounds, and György Ligeti follows in the footsteps of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály in his “Romanian Concerto,” a sparkling early work that uses a wide variety of folk melodies Ligeti heard as a child in Transylvania and later studied at the Folklore Institute in Bucharest. These he supplements with melodies of his own evoking “the spirit of the village bands.”

Iannis Xenakis : Le Sacrifice from Anastenaria for Orchestra
Per Nørgård : Voyage into the Golden Screen for Orchestra
Konstantia Gourzi : Ny-él, two Angels in the White Garden for Orchestra
Gyorgy Ligeti : Concert Românesc

21 Jul

United States
 Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 2pm 
Center for New Music
55 Taylor Street in San Francisco
United States

Tickets: $10 - $15
Thomas Schultz, piano

2 PM Sunday August 21, 2016
@ Center for New Music
Taylor St, San Francisco, California 94102
Tickets: $15 General, $10 Members
Tickets available at the door only
***Arnold Schoenberg - Three Piano Pieces, Op. 11; Six Little Piano Pieces, Op. 19; Five Piano Pieces, Op. 23; Suite, Op. 25; Piano Pieces, Op. 33a/b
***Frederic Rzewski - Piano Piece Nr. 4
***Hyo-shin Na - Walking, Walking

Hyo-shin Na : Walking, walking
Frederic Rzewski : Piano Piece Nr. 4
Arnold Schonberg : Complete Works for solo piano

22 Jul 
23 Jul 
24 Jul 
25 Jul 
26 Jul

United Kingdom
 Friday, August 26, 2016 at 2.00pm - 3.15pm 
Piano in the Afternoon
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £12.50 reserved | £10 unreserved | £6 student
Clare Hammond (piano)

Henri Dutilleux : Au gre des ondes
Robert Saxton : Hortus Musicae, Book II
Michael Berkeley : Haiku
Igor Stravinsky : Three movements from Petrushka

26 Jul

United Kingdom
 Friday, August 26, 2016 at 7.45pm - 9.30pm 
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £24 reserved | £18 unreserved | £6 student
Alice Neary (cello)
Angela Whelan (trumpet)
Carducci Quartet
Presteigne Festival Orchestra
George Vass (conductor)

Huw Watkins : Little Symphony
Dobrinka Tabakova : Cello Concerto
Frank Bridge : Two Old English Songs, H119
Robert Saxton : Shakespeare Scenes
Edward Elgar : Introduction and Allegro, Op 47

26 Jul

United Kingdom
 Friday, August 26, 2016 at 2pm 
Piano in the Afternoon
Presteigne Festival

United Kingdom
01544 267800

Clare Hammond piano

Henri Dutilleux : Au gré des ondes
Robert Saxton : Hortus Musicae, Book 2
Michael Berkeley : Haiku
Igor Stravinsky : Three movements from Petrushka

27 Jul

 Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 6.30pm 
Trurliade – Zone Zero for percussion and orchestra
Lucerne Festival

Susanna Mälkki conductor
Martin Grubinger percussion

Martin Grubinger adds world premieres to his resume the way others collect stamps. But seriously, the fact that such contemporary composers as Friedrich Cerha, John Corigliano, Peter Eötvös, and now composer-in-residence Olga Neuwirth practically jump at the chance to write for this percussion artist is hardly a surprise. Thanks to his stupendous virtuosity, his phenomenal feel for sonic colors, and his boyish charm, Grubinger has been remarkably successful in making supposedly “difficult” new music accessible to a wider audience. The Finnish conductor Susanna Mälkki, herself a specialist in the music of our time, will juxtapose Neuwirth’s new percussion concerto with modernist classics including Arnold Schoenberg’s rarely played score written to accompany a film that was never made: a soundtrack on which the 12-tone method and thrilling music are not opposites!

Arnold Schoenberg : Accompaniment to a Film Scene, Op. 34
Olga Neuwirth : Trurliade – Zone Zero for percussion and orchestra
Anton Webern : Six Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 6
Helmut Lachenmann : Schreiben for Orchestra

27 Jul

United Kingdom
 Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 7.45pm - 9.30pm 
Carducci Quartet in Presteigne
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £20 reserved | £16 unreserved | £6 student
Carducci Quartet

Dmitri Shostakovich : String Quartet No 9 in E flat, Op 117
Huw Watkins : String Quartet
Ludwig Beethoven : String Quartet in F minor, Op 95 'Serioso'

27 Jul

United Kingdom
 Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 2.00pm - 3.15pm 
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £14 reserved | £10 unreserved | £6 student
Alexandra Wood (violin)
Rozenn Le Trionnaire (clarinet)
Alice Neary (cello)
Huw Watkins (piano)

John Metcalf : Not the Stillness ...
James Francis Brown : Arioso
Robert Schumann : Fantasiestucke, Op 73
David Matthews : Sonatina for violin and piano, Op 128
Johannes Brahms : Clarinet Trio in A minor, Op 114

27 Jul

United Kingdom
 Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 4.30pm - 5.30pm 
An English Choral Celebration
St Mary's Parish Church, Pembridge
Pembridge, Herefordshire HR6 9EA
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267800

Tickets: £14 unreserved | £6 student
Presteigne Festival Chamber Choir
Joy Lisney (cello)
Philip Sunderland (conductor)

Richard Rodney Bennett : A Farewell to Arms
Thomas Hyde : Orpheus and his Lute
William Walton : Passacaglia foir solo cello
Deborah Pritchard : Peace
William Walton : Set me as a seal upon thine Heart
Cecilia McDowall : Night Flight
Richard Rodney Bennett : A Good-Night

27 Jul

United Kingdom
 Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 11.30am - 12.30pm 
Impromptus and Improvisations
St Mary's Church, Kinnerton
Kinnerton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2PF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267800

Tickets: £12.50 unreserved | £6 student
Elizabeth Scorah (harp)

Germaine Tailleferre : Sonata for harp
Adrian Williams : Knocknarea
Paul Patterson : Lizards, Op 111
Albert Roussel : Impromptu, Op 21
Howard Skempton : Three Preludes
William Mathias : Improvisations, Op 10
G Faure : Impromptu in D flat, Op 86

28 Jul

United States
 Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 4.00pm 
The Inner Vision and New World of Arnold Schoenberg's Piano Music
Old First Concerts
1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
(415) 474-1608

Tickets: $5 - $20
Thomas Schultz, piano

The Inner Vision and New World of Arnold Schoenberg's Piano Music
for tickets & more info
The Complete Music for Solo Piano by Schoenberg
Thomas Schultz, piano
SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 2016 AT 4:00PM
Old First Concerts 1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco
This concert is a rare opportunity to hear Schoenberg’s piano music in its entirety, along with late works by Liszt that foreshadow Schoenberg’s atonality and music by Brahms that Schoenberg often cited as antecedents for his own music. These pieces reflect the development of Schoenberg’s music from his early work in free atonality, through the development of the 12-tone system and on to his mature music.
$18.00 General (includes advance online discount)
$15.00 Seniors (65+, includes advance online discount)
$5.00 Full Time Students
(Children 12 and under are free)

Arnold Schonberg : Complete Works for solo piano

28 Jul

United Kingdom
 Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 5.00pm - 6.00pm 
Stranger, Lover, Dancer
St Michael's Church, Discoed
Discoed, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2NW
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267800

Tickets: £12.50 unreserved | £6 student
Alice Neary (cello)

Henri Dutilleux : Trois strophes sur le nom de Sacher
John Hawkins : Stranger, Lover, Dancer
Robert Saxton : Sonata for solo cello, on a theme of Sir William Walton
J.S Bach : Suite No 2 in D minor, BWV1008

28 Jul

United Kingdom
 Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 3.00pm - 4.00pm 
The Ways of Going
St Stephen's Church, Old Radnor
Old Radnor, Powys LD8 2RH
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267800

Tickets: £14 unreserved | £6 student
Damian Thantrey (baritone)
Emily Pailthorpe (oboe)
Carducci Quartet

Adrian Williams : The Ways of Going – a cantata after Alun Lewis

28 Jul

United Kingdom
 Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 7.45pm - 9.40pm 
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £24 reserved | £18 unreserved | £6 student
Alexandra Wood (violin)
Sophie Edwards (soprano)
Damian Thantrey (baritone)
Presteigne Festival Chamber Choir
Presteigne Festival Orchestra
George Vass (conductor)

James Francis Brown : The Heavens and the Heart
Deborah Pritchard : Wall of Water
Adrian Williams : Elegy
G Faure : Requiem, Op 48

29 Jul

United Kingdom
 Monday, August 29, 2016 at 7.45pm - 9.30pm 
Quartet for the End of Time
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £20 reserved | £16 unreserved | £6 student
Alexandra Wood (violin)
Rozenn Le Trionnaire (clarinet)
Alice Neary (cello)
Huw Watkins (piano)

Felix Mendelssohn : Variations Concertantes, Op 17
Huw Watkins : Dream
Adrian Williams : Cadenzas, Scherzos and Cantilenas
Olivier Messiaen : Quatuor pour la fin du temps

29 Jul

United Kingdom
 Monday, August 29, 2016 at 2.00pm - 3.15pm 
French Sonatas and an Oxford connection
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £12.50 reserved | £10 unreserved | £6 student
Emily Pailthorpe (oboe/cor anglais)
Clare Hammond (piano)

Francis Poulenc : Oboe Sonata, FP185
Robert Saxton : Arias
Thomas Hyde : Winter Music
Ninfea Cruttwell-Reade : Ravens' Cage
Robert Saxton : Chacony
Henri Dutilleux : Oboe Sonata

29 Jul

United Kingdom
 Monday, August 29, 2016 at 11.30am - 12.30pm 
Britten at Bleddfa
Church of St Mary Magdalene, Bleddfa
Bleddfa. Powys LD7 1PA
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267800

Tickets: £14 unreserved | £6 student
Carducci Quartet
Rozenn Le Trionnaire (clarinet)

Robert Saxton : Fantazia
Michael Berkeley : Clarinet Quintet
Benjamin Britten : String Quartet No 2, Op 36

29 Jul

United Kingdom
 Monday, August 29, 2016 at 2pm 
French Sonata and an Oxford Connection
Presteigne Festival

United Kingdom
01544 267800

Emily Pailthorpe oboe
Clare Hammond piano

Francis Poulenc : Oboe Sonata, FP185
Robert Saxton : Arias
Thomas Hyde : Winter Music
Ninfea Cruttwell-Reade : Ravens’ Cage
Robert Saxton : Chacony
Henri Dutilleux : Oboe Sonata

29 Jul

United Kingdom
 Monday, August 29, 2016 at 7.45pm 
Quartet for the End of Time
Presteigne Festival

United Kingdom
01544 267800

Alexandra Wood violin
Rozenn Le Trionnaire clarinet
Alice Neary cello

Felix Mendelssohn : Variations Concertantes, Op 17
Huw Watkins : Dream
Adrian Williams : Cadenzas, Scherzos and Cantilenas
Olivier Messiaen : Quatuor pour la fin du temps

30 Jul

United Kingdom
 Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 7.45pm 
ROBERT SAXTON The Resurrection of the Soldiers
Presteigne Festival

United Kingdom
01544 267800

Clare Hammond piano
Emily Pailthorpe oboe
Presteigne Festival Orchestra
George Vass conductor

Robert Saxton : The Resurrection of the Soldiers
David Matthews : Piano Concerto, Op 111
Richard Blackford : The Better Angels of Our Nature
Dmitri Shostakovich : Chamber Symphony, Op 110a

30 Jul

 Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 7.30pm 
Berlin Philharmonic | Sir Simon Rattle
Lucerne Festival

Berlin Philharmonic
Sir Simon Rattle conductor

“Gustav Mahler completely changed my life,” says Sir Simon Rattle. Indeed it was Mahler’s music that initially led him to the idea of pursuing a career on the podium. The 11- or 12-year-old Simon had his first inspiration in his native Liverpool when he heard a performance of the Second Symphony. “I had already realized that I wanted to become a musician, but this experience led me to become a conductor.” Mahler has been a constant companion throughout his career ever since – and will be a trustworthy star to light his way for his first Lucerne performance of this summer, when the Berlin Philharmonic plays the mighty Seventh Symphony. But for the opening Rattle has chosen “the one piece in the repertoire where the conductor himself has to play along”: Éclat by Pierre Boulez. This work consists of certain set passages and patterns from which the man (or woman) on the podium can freely select: the fingers are used to indicate a number that signifies to the 15 soloists which particular passages they should then play.

Pierre Boulez : Éclat” for Fifteen Instruments
Gustav Mahler : Symphony No. 7 in E minor

30 Jul

United Kingdom
 Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 2.00pm - 3.00pm 
Time and the Seasons
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £12.50 reserved | £10 unreserved | £6 student
Damina Thantrey (baritone)
Huw Watkins (piano)

Henri Duparc : Serenade; Extase; Le manoir de Rosemonde
Robert Saxton : Time and the Seasons
Huw Watkins : Look Down, Fair Moon
Henri Dutilleux : Quatre Melodies
Maurice Ravel : Don Quichotte a Dulcinee

30 Jul

United Kingdom
 Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 7.45pm - 9.40pm 
Festival Finale
St Andrew's Church, Presteigne
Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AF
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1544 267 800

Tickets: £24 reserved | £18 unreserved | £6 student
Clare Hammond (piano)
Emily Pailthorpe (oboe)
Presteigne Festival Orchestra
George Vass (conductor)

Robert Saxton : The Resurrection of the Soldiers
David Matthews : Piano Concerto, Op 111
Richard Blackford : The Better Angels of Our Nature
Dmitri Shostakovich : Chamber Symphony, Op 110a

31 Jul 
1 Aug

United Kingdom
 Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 7.30pm 
The Aeloian Trio, with Clive Bell - bamboo flute and John Roberts (PuppetCraft)
Devon Guild of Craftsmen
The Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Riverside Mill, Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9AF
United Kingdom
01626 832223

The Aeloian Trio, with Clive Bell - bamboo flute and John Roberts (PuppetCraft)

Traditional Japanese pieces for shakuhachi
Short bunraku pupet performance

Tickets £10 from Or Devon Guild Of Craftsmen: 01626 832223

Claude Debussy : Trio for Flute, Harp & Viola
Toru Takemitsu : And Then I Knew Twas Wind

2 Aug 
3 Aug 
4 Aug 
5 Aug 
6 Aug 
7 Aug

United Kingdom
 Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 2pm 
Cooke, Schumann & Elgar
The Greenhouse, MediaCityUK, Salford, M50 2EQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 161 886 5300

BBC Philharmonic
Andrew Gourlay Conductor
Narek Hakhnazaryan Cello

Andrew Gourlay, also a trombonist and pianist by training, conducts today’s studio concert – opening with British composer Cooke and his Sixth Symphony.

The orchestra are joined by BBC New Generation Artist, Narek Hakhnazarya, for the poetry of Schumann's Cello Concerto, before this afternoon’s programme closes the way that it began – with the work of a British composer.

Elgar’s Dream Children, inspired by writing from Charles Lamb in 1822, leaps from the pages of an essay to the pages of a score and conveys both a wistful longing and nostalgia for lost youth.

Arnold Cooke : Symphony No.6
Robert Schumann : Cello Concerto in A minor
Edward Elgar : Enfants d'un rêve, Op 43

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