New Music Concert Listings - United Kingdom

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New Music Concert Listings - United Kingdom

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5 Mar 
6 Mar

United Kingdom
 Saturday, May 6, 2017 at Begins at 12.00 
BBC Total Immersion Day: Edgard Varèse
Barbican Hall, London
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2
United Kingdom
020 7638 8891

An introduction to the life and music of French-American composer Edgard Varese.

Edgard Varèse, even a half century after his death, remains a controversial yet cult figure. Born in France in 1883, he moved to Italy to study and knew all the major artistic figures of his day. He emigrated to the US in 1915 and, apart from a five-year stint in Paris, remained there until his death in 1965.

His unique voice and rigorous, though eclectic aesthetic, influenced countless younger composers even though his entire output can be performed in about three hours. So this Total Immersion is truly total - embracing every note he ever composed, including screenings of specially recorded BBC Symphony Orchestra films of Etude pour Espace and Ecuatorial.

Other events in the Total Immersion Day:
11am and 6.45pm Reconstruction of Varèse’s piece for tape Poéme électronique, Foyers
12pm Talk, Fountain Room
2pm Concert, Milton Court
4.30pm Film, Cinema 2
6.15pm Performance, Foyers
7pm Concert, Hall

Edgard Varèse : Various

6 Mar

United Kingdom
 Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 7.30pm 
Kings Place
90 York Way, London, N1 9AG
United Kingdom
020 7520 1440

Tim Gill cello
Fali Pavri piano
Sound Intermedia sound projection

With its sonorous bass tones and piercing high register, the cello has fascinated composers for generations. As part of the Cello Unwrapped series at Kings Place, our Principal Cellist Tim Gill presents a survey of the styles and sounds of contemporary cello repertoire through the 20th and 21st centuries. From the mesmeric spiritualism of Messiaen and Pärt, through the concise pointillism of Webern, to the athletic virtuosity of Xenakis’ Kottos – “rough, harsh and full of noise” – this programme probes the cello’s many different characters, and the voices it has found in the contemporary music landscape.

Arvo Part : Fratres
Jonathan Harvey : Ricercare una melodia
Iannis Xenakis : Kottos
Thomas Ades : Les eaux (mvt 1 from Lieux retrouvés)
Anna Clyne : Paint Box
Harrison Birtwistle : Wie Eine Fuga

7 Mar 
8 Mar 
9 Mar 
10 Mar 
11 Mar 
12 Mar

United Kingdom
 Friday, May 12, 2017 at 7.30pm 
Ravi Shankar's opera: Sukanya
Curve Theatre
Rutland Street Leicester, LE1 1SB
United Kingdom
0116 242 3595

Aakash Odedra Company

BBC Singers

London Philharmonic Orchestra

David Murphy

After a terrible mistake leaves the ancient sage Chyavana blinded, the beautiful princess Sukanya finds herself marrying for the sake of her kingdom. As a pair of swaggering, meddling gods watch this unlikely union blossom, will love grow in the strangest of circumstances?
Taken from the legendary Sanskrit texts of the Mahābhārata, the story of Sukanya has been brought to life in this innovative production with music by Indian music legend Ravi Shankar and combines traditional Indian instruments with Western orchestra and singers.
This performance is directed by Curve Associate Director Suba Das and unites dance choreographed by the Aakash Odedra Company, production by the Royal Opera and the musicians of the London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Come and experience Ravi Shankar’s Sukanya. This special event combining myth, music and dance brings Ravi Shankar’s opera to life for the very first time.

Ravi Shankar : Sukanya

13 Mar 
14 Mar 
15 Mar 
16 Mar 
17 Mar 
18 Mar 
19 Mar

United Kingdom
 Friday, May 19, 2017 at 7.30pm 
Y Tŵr
Sherman Theatre
Cardiff CF24 4YE
United Kingdom

Guto Puw Composer
Gwyneth Glyn Libretto
Caryl Hughes The Woman
Gwion Thomas The Man
Richard Baker Conductor
Michael McCarthy Director
Samal Blak Designer
Ace McCarron Lighting

“We’ll go up, you and me, together, hand in hand, no fear, no regrets.”

Y Tŵr explores the journey of two people bound together through life’s all too brief struggle, from youth to old-age, from love to despair, from desire to disillusionment. An intense and searching opera from the UK’s leading new opera company and the Welsh-language national theatre company, based on the work of one of Wales’ most important playwrights. Personal and universal. Particular and timeless.

Sung in Welsh with English surtitles.

Guto Puw : Y Tŵr

20 Mar 
21 Mar 
22 Mar

United Kingdom
 Monday, May 22, 2017 at 7.30pm 
Bath Festival

United Kingdom

Bath Philharmonia

A thrilling opportunity to experience Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece with a live orchestra. Bernard Herrmann’s score is integral to the spine-chilling atmosphere of the film, adding impact to the highpoints and maintaining an almost unbearable level of tension throughout. Conductor Jason Thornton and the Bath Philharmonia combined with a great film will provide a cinematic experience to remember.

Bernard Herrmann : Psycho

23 Mar 
24 Mar 
25 Mar

United Kingdom
 Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 3pm 
Bath Festival

United Kingdom

Steven Isserlis, cello

Bach’s cello suites are among his very finest music and Steven Isserlis’s performances are justly of world renown. Britten’s Cello Suites, written for the great cellist Rostropovich, mirror them in depth of emotional expression and Kurtag’s miniature character pieces add the icing on the cake of a fascinating programme.

J.S. Bach : Solo Cello Suite No. 5
Gyorgy Kurtag : Az Hit
Gyorgy Kurtag : Pilinszky János: Gérard de Nerval
Gyorgy Kurtag : In memoriam Ferenc Wilheim
Benjamin Britten : Solo Cello Suite No. 3

26 Mar

United Kingdom
 Friday, May 26, 2017 at 7:30 pm 
Mirrors and Meditations
Church of the Sacred Heart
25 South Street, Exeter EX1 1EB
United Kingdom
01392 667080

Tickets: £11
Jonathan Storer - Violin
Stephen Beville - Piano

Internationally acclaimed pianist and composer Stephen Beville and concert-violinist Jonathan Storer perform a meditative programme featuring Arvo Part's Fratres, Spiegel im Spiegel, Beville's Monodrama (world premiere) and Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata, Op 47.

Frederick Chopin : Two Nocturnes, Op 27
Frederick Chopin : Ballad No 3 in A-flat, Op 36
Arvo Part : Fratres (1977/80)
Stephen Beville : Monodrama (2011)
Ludwig Van Beethoven : Sonata in A, Op 47, 'Kreutzer'
Arvo Part : Spiegel im Spiegel (1978)

27 Mar 
28 Mar 
29 Mar 
30 Mar 
31 Mar 
1 Apr 
2 Apr

United Kingdom
 Friday, June 2, 2017 at 7.30pm 
Thomas Adès Beethoven Symphony Cycle
Barbican Hall, London
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2
United Kingdom
020 7638 8891

Britten Sinfonia

The opening concert of a three year project between Thomas Adès and Britten Sinfonia, performing Beethoven’s Symphony Cycle alongside music by contemporary composer Gerald Barry.

‘Thomas Adès makes you hear things with which you thought you were familiar as if they were completely new’ wrote the Guardian’s Tom Service. In this opening concert of Adès's Beethoven Symphony cycle project with Britten Sinfonia, he sheds new light on these monuments of orchestral repertoire. Here Beethoven’s witty first symphony is paired with the virtuosic second, complemented by Gerald Barry’s powerful setting of Beethoven’s love letter to his ‘immortal beloved’.

Gerald Barry : Beethoven
Ludwig Van Beethoven : Symphony No 1 in C major, Op 21
Ludwig Van Beethoven : Symphony No 2 in D major, Op 36

3 Apr 
4 Apr 

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