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3 Apr

 Friday, October 3, 2014 at 1pm 
UCC Concert Series
Aula Maxima
NUIG, Galway

Andrew Zolinsky - Piano
Karen Power - live electronics

Karen Power : where lost weight is found (2013)

3 Apr

 Friday, October 3, 2014 at 20:00 
Venice Biennale

Francesco D’Orazio violin
Pascal Rophé conductor

Pascal Dusapin : Go (1992, 10’) Solo no. 1 from 7 Solos pour Orchestre (1992/2009)
Kaija Saariaho : Graal théâtre for violin and orchestra (1994, 25’)
John Adams : Doctor Atomic Symphony

3 Apr

United Kingdom
 Friday, October 3, 2014 at 19.30 
Cuarteto Casals
Tetbury Music Festival
St. Mary's Parish Church, Tetbury, Gloucestershire
United Kingdom
01666 503552

Cuarteto Casals
Nicolas Altstädt (cello)

This outstanding quartet from Spain juxtaposes the 18th with the 20th century before being joined by the cellist Nicolas Altstädt for one of the towering accomplishments of the 19th century.

Joseph Haydn : Quartet No 5 in F minor, opus 20
Gyorgy Ligeti : Quartet No 1, Metamorphoses Nocturnes
Franz Schubert : Quintet in C, opus 163

4 Apr

 Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 19.30 
Atlantis Piano Duo
Auditorio de Tres Cantos


Sophia Hase & Eduardo Ponce

Valentín Ruiz : Presagios
Benet Casablancas : Tre Divertimenti para piano a cuatro manos
Manuel de Elias : Quimeras
Josep Soler : Coronación de espinas
Steve Reich : Piano Phase
Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen : In ES
Witold Lutoslawski : Variaciones sobre un tema de Paganini

5 Apr

United Kingdom
 Sunday, October 5, 2014 at Various times, all day 
BBCSO Total Immersion: John Tavener Remembered
Barbican Hall, London
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2
United Kingdom
020 7638 8891

BBCSO et al

Concerts and films marking the life of John Tavener. 6 events in total. See here for further details:

John Tavener : Various

5 Apr

 Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 5.00pm 
Korutet à Paris
Eglise Notre Dame d'Espérance, Paris
47 rue de la Roquette, Paris 75011

Tickets: Entry by donation
Korutet (string quartet) with Marika Lombardi (oboe), Alice Fagard (soprano) and Frederik Sakham (double bass)

A mixture of classical and contemporary works.

Nigel Keay : Tango Suite
Bruno Letort : Vertiges Horizontaux
Martin Loridan : Croquis Parisien
Wolfgang Mozart : Oboe Quartet
Alexander Borodin : String Quartet No.2 (Nocturne)
Maurice Ravel : String Quartet (1st & 2nd mvts.)

5 Apr

 Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 12:00 
Cuarteto Bacarisse
Auditorio de Tres Cantos


Cuarteto Bacarisse

Jose Luis Greco : Heart on hold
Mario Lavista : Reflejos de la noche
Ramón Paus : Cuarteto nº 4, “Cassiel”
María Luisa Ozaita : Dos movimientos para un cuarteto
Salvatore Sciarrino : Quartetto breve #5-Presto, un pensiero... Quartetto breve #6-La Malinconia
Valentín Ruiz : Cuarteto para el fin de las razas

5 Apr

United States
 Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 3pm 
Salastina Music Society: Celebrating 5 Years with 5 Young L.A. Composers
Thayer Hall at the Colburn School
200 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012
United States

Tickets: $28 advance online tickets/$35 at the door/$10 Students with valid ID
Salastina Music Society and Guest Artists

In this season premiere event, Salastina Music Society will feature the music of five composers local to the Los Angeles area. Between them, they have won multiple Grammy awards, written music for film and TV, hold professorships at prestigious universities, and have numerous important commissions to their credit. Each composer will be interviewed on-stage before his composition is performed.

The composers whose works are featured in this program are: Jeremy Cavaterra (Salastina Music Society Composer in Residence), Andrew Norman (Rome Prize recipient, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra Composer in Residence, and assistant professor at the USC Thornton School of Music), Adam Schoenberg (UCLA faculty, Charles Ives and Morton Gould prize winner, Kansas City Symphony Composer in Residence), Christopher Tin (two-time Grammy winner), and Philip White (film and television composer, currently for Ray Donovan and Supernatural).

About Salastina Music Society:
Currently entering its fifth season, the Salastina Music Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to presenting world-class performances of chamber music. To date, dozens of Salastina performances have been broadcast nationally on American Public Media's Performance Today. With the goals of broad audience appeal and innovative programming, Founders/Artistic Directors Maia Jasper and Kevin Kumar purposefully design each concert to be slightly shorter than the average classical music concert. The "Masterpiece Discovery" sub-series, hosted by KUSC's Brian Lauritzen, offers audiences a "guided tour" through a pillar of the repertoire. Other hallmarks of the Society are: visual and aural variety in ensemble combinations and repertoire; “free applause zones”; thoughtfully chosen new music; tangible audience participation; and extra-musical enhancements to the concert experience.

Andrew Norman : Gran Turismo
Adam Schoenberg : Luna y Mar
Jeremy Cavaterra : Sonata for Violin and Viola
Christopher Tin : Lacrymosa
Philip White : since feeling is first

6 Apr 
7 Apr

 Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 16:00 
Tribute to Sir Peter Maxwell Davies on his eightieth birthday
Venice Biennale

Arcadio Baracchi flute
Carlo Failli clarinet
Simone Beneventi percussions
Andrea Severi piano, harpsichord, vertical piano
Edoardo Rosadini viola
Duccio Ceccanti violin
Vittorio Ceccanti cello
Jari Boldrini dancer and choreograph (Vesalii Icones)
Mauro Ceccanti conductor

Peter Maxwell Davies : Fantasia and two Pavans from Henry Purcell per ensemble
Peter Maxwell Davies : Sonata for Violin Alone
Peter Maxwell Davies : Vesalii Icones for dancer, cello and ensemble

8 Apr

 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 8.30pm 
Korutet à Paris
Eglise de Pentemont, Paris
106 rue de Grenelle, Paris 75007

Tickets: Entry by donation
Korutet (string quartet) with Marika Lombardi (oboe), Alice Fagard (soprano) and Frederik Sakham (double bass)

A twentieth century classic alongside new works for string quartet.

Maurice Ravel : String Quartet in F
Nigel Keay : Tango Suite
Martin Loridan : Croquis Parisien
Bruno Letort : Vertiges Horizontaux
Nigel Keay : String Quartet No.2 (1995)
Martin Loridan : Introduction and Allegro
Charmian Keay : A Journey's End

8 Apr

United Kingdom
 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 20:00 
Queen Elizabeth Hall, London
South Bank, London SE1
United Kingdom
08700 606 096

André de Ridder conductor
Hila Plitmann mezzo soprano
Sound Intermedia sound projection
Paolo Pachini video art
Leonardo Romoli video art
Tony Simpson lighting
London Sinfonietta

In the final months before his death at the age of just 41, Romitelli fulfilled a lifetime ambition: to create ‘an experience of total perception, plunging the spectator into a magma of sounds, shapes and colours’. Like the light shows of the 1960s or today’s rave-culture, Romitelli’s work thrusts you into a psychedelic new landscape where your every sense is heightened. Combining an ensemble and singer with electronic distortion, video screens, a light show and surround sound, this is opera as you’ve never known it.

“This is a multimedia opera with projections, three video screens and an orchestra that's amplified and processed, in many of the ways you would normally transform a rock guitar. But it's all done live, in the moment, and then spun around the room in surround sound.” Ian Dearden, London Sinfonietta Principal Player (electronics)

Being performed in London for the first time, with the original video art by Paolo Pachini and Leonardo Romoli, it promises 'a violent, abstract narrative denuded of all operatic artifice, providing an initiation rite of immersion and a trance of light and sound.'

Fausto Romitelli : An Index of Metals

9 Apr

 Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 20:00 
Venice Biennale

Shizuyo Oka clarinet
Asier Polo cello
José Ramón Encinar conductor

Gabriel Erkoreka : Océano for orchestra
Ramón Lazkano : Ortzi Isilak for clarinet and orchestra
Luís de Pablo : Frondoso Misterio for cello and orchestra

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