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United Kingdom
 Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 3.30pm 
Aurora Orchestra
Albert Hall, London
Kensington Gore London SW7 2AP
United Kingdom

Francesco Piemontesi piano
Aurora Orchestra
Nicholas Collon conductor

The Aurora Orchestra staged a Proms first last year when it performed Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 from memory. Now the dynamic young ensemble returns to continue this season’s sequence of family-friendly matinees, giving Beethoven’s ‘Pastoral’ Symphony the same direct, communicative treatment. It is paired with Australian composer Brett Dean’s own homage to nature – a work, he explains, inspired by ‘glorious birdsong, the threat that it faces, the loss, and the soulless noise that we’re left with when they’re all gone’. Former BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist Francesco Piemontesi joins the orchestra for Mozart’s late ‘Coronation’ Concerto, and the afternoon also features the premiere of a new commission from British composer Anna Meredith – also performed from memory.

Brett Dean : Pastoral Symphony
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Piano Concerto No. 26 in D major, K537 'Coronation'
Anna Meredith : Smatter Hauler
Ludwig Van Beethoven : Symphony No. 6 in F major 'Pastoral'

3 Mar

United Kingdom
 Monday, August 3, 2015 at 7.30pm 
James MacMillan & Mahler
Albert Hall, London
Kensington Gore London SW7 2AP
United Kingdom

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Donald Runnicles conductor

Mahler’s mighty Symphony No. 5 is the climax of this second Prom from Donald Runnicles and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. The work’s intense, contrasting moods – the bitter solemnity of the funeral march, the violence of the second movement and the tenderness of the famous Adagietto – make this one of the great orchestral showpieces. The evening opens with the world premiere of a dramatic new symphony from Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan.

James MacMillan : Symphony No. 4
Gustav Mahler : Symphony No. 5 in C sharp minor

4 Mar 
5 Mar 
6 Mar 
7 Mar

 Friday, August 7, 2015 at 8.30pm 
Salzburger Festspiele
various, Salzburg, Austria
ttel.: +43-662-8045-500

Sylvain Cambreling, Conductor
Hilary Summers, Contralto
Della Miles, Blues Singer
Tyshawn Sorey, Percussion
Klangforum Wien

‘It is not enough to construct one’s revolution, one must also dream it’: thus, Pierre Boulez once formulated his artistic credo. It would never have been enough for him to appear only as a prophet of the avant-garde and a radical revolutionary, administering fundamental criticism to rigid, anti-modernist structures with his notorious demand to blow up all opera houses. Instead, as a composer he was always a sensuous poet of sound, striving quite traditionally for technical mastery and personal expression in equal measure, also and especially when experimenting with the latest techniques, such as guided chance and live electronics – a dedicated explorer and reformer. Reflecting his search for perfection and the ideal implementation of his thoughts, many of his pieces have undergone various stages of development, growing in scope, instrumentation and duration and thereby becoming others, as if they were living organisms undergoing maturation. If Salzburg contemporary takes Pierre Boulez’s 90th birthday as an occasion to focus on his eminent œuvre, naturally this includes some of the great key works of New Music of the past 70 years – interpreted by the friends, students and comrades-in-arms of this singular musician, who has also made history as a conductor. With the French tradition ranging from Debussy to Boulez’s influential teacher Olivier Messiaen, and the Second Viennese School of Schoenberg, Berg and Webern, the series also highlights some of the music of the past that influenced Boulez. These works are complemented by a new piece by Olga Neuwirth, whose music Pierre Boulez is very fond of: a portrait of the artist as an ageless man.

Walter Weidringer

Translated by Alexa Nieschlag

Pierre Boulez : Le Marteau sans maître
Olga Neuwirth : Lonicera Caprifolium (1993)
Olga Neuwirth : Eleanor Suite for blues singer, percussion and ensemble

8 Mar

 Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 7.30pm 
The Complete Piano Works by Pierre Boulez
Salzburger Festspiele
various, Salzburg, Austria
ttel.: +43-662-8045-500

Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano
Tamara Stefanovich, Piano

Salzburg contemporary is sponsored by Roche
Youth! Arts! Science!

‘It is not enough to construct one’s revolution, one must also dream it’: thus, Pierre Boulez once formulated his artistic credo. It would never have been enough for him to appear only as a prophet of the avant-garde and a radical revolutionary, administering fundamental criticism to rigid, anti-modernist structures with his notorious demand to blow up all opera houses. Instead, as a composer he was always a sensuous poet of sound, striving quite traditionally for technical mastery and personal expression in equal measure, also and especially when experimenting with the latest techniques, such as guided chance and live electronics – a dedicated explorer and reformer. Reflecting his search for perfection and the ideal implementation of his thoughts, many of his pieces have undergone various stages of development, growing in scope, instrumentation and duration and thereby becoming others, as if they were living organisms undergoing maturation. If Salzburg contemporary takes Pierre Boulez’s 90th birthday as an occasion to focus on his eminent œuvre, naturally this includes some of the great key works of New Music of the past 70 years – interpreted by the friends, students and comrades-in-arms of this singular musician, who has also made history as a conductor. With the French tradition ranging from Debussy to Boulez’s influential teacher Olivier Messiaen, and the Second Viennese School of Schoenberg, Berg and Webern, the series also highlights some of the music of the past that influenced Boulez. These works are complemented by a new piece by Olga Neuwirth, whose music Pierre Boulez is very fond of: a portrait of the artist as an ageless man.

Walter Weidringer

Translated by Alexa Nieschlag

Pierre Boulez : Notations (12)
Pierre Boulez : Sonate pour piano n°1, 2 & 3
Pierre Boulez : Incises
Pierre Boulez : Une page d’éphéméride
Pierre Boulez : Structures pour deux pianos: Livre II

8 Mar

United Kingdom
 Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 1950-2040 
The Artist, His Muse, The Singer and Her Lover
Kings Place
Kings Cross, London
United Kingdom

Tickets: 7.50
Maria Bovino, soprano
Oliver Curry, piano
Zoe Lister actress
Paul Barker composer/pianist

A Comedy Double-Bill of Synthetic Voice Melodrama

The starting point for Paul Barker's double-bill is how to do opera without a voice. Not just a singing voice, but without any voice at all. My Voice and Me is the autobiography of Oliver Curry, an English tenor who lost his voice as a result of rehearsing I Pagliacci in Naples many decades ago; it left him voiceless, unable to make any sound. He tells the story today with the aid of a synthetic voice (which sounds uncannily like Stephen Hawking) whilst simultaneously playing the piano. Oliver's wife, soprano Maria Bovino, makes an unexpected guest appearance. Of Zoe and the Woman I Sing explores in three acts the relationship between an artist and his muse. Actress Zoë Lister is that muse whom the artist turns into an avatar, the better to control her. The avatar speaks with a unique synthetic voice developed by Toshiba Europe along with Paul Barker, modelled on Zoë, designed to emulate any human emotion. Barker has composed many operas exploring different languages and his most recent, EL Gallo, is an opera for six actors and two string quartets without text. It has been performed across several continents with over 100 performances and has won several awards. His exploration of opera now returns to language but dispenses with singers and expects instrumentalists to act.

Paul Barker : Of Zoe and The Woman I Sing
Paul Barker : My Voice and Me

9 Mar

United Kingdom
 Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 1550-1640 
The Artist, His Muse, The Singer and Her Lover
Kings Place
Kings Cross, London
United Kingdom

Tickets: 7.50
Music & Pianist: Oliver Curry
Soprano: Maria Bovino
Music & Pianist: Oliver Curry
Soprano: Maria Bovino

A Comedy Double-Bill of Synthetic Voice Melodrama

The starting point for Paul Barker's double-bill is how to do opera without a voice. Not just a singing voice, but without any voice at all. My Voice and Me is the autobiography of Oliver Curry, an English tenor who lost his voice as a result of rehearsing I Pagliacci in Naples many decades ago; it left him voiceless, unable to make any sound. He tells the story today with the aid of a synthetic voice (which sounds uncannily like Stephen Hawking) whilst simultaneously playing the piano. Oliver's wife, soprano Maria Bovino, makes an unexpected guest appearance. Of Zoe and the Woman I Sing explores in three acts the relationship between an artist and his muse. Actress Zoë Lister is that muse whom the artist turns into an avatar, the better to control her. The avatar speaks with a unique synthetic voice developed by Toshiba Europe along with Paul Barker, modelled on Zoë, designed to emulate any human emotion. Barker has composed many operas exploring different languages and his most recent, EL Gallo, is an opera for six actors and two string quartets without text. It has been performed across several continents with over 100 performances and has won several awards. His exploration of opera now returns to language but dispenses with singers and expects instrumentalists to act.

Paul Barker : Of Zoe and The Woman I Sing
Paul Barker : My Voice and Me

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