Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Het Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein 2-7, 1071 LN Amsterdam
Cappella Amsterdam
Kevin John Edusei - dirigent
David Wilson-Johnson - bariton, Chou En-lai
Robin Adams - bariton, Richard Nixon
Peter Sidhom - bas-bariton, Henry Kissinger
Michael Weinius - tenor, Mao Tse-tung
Evanna Lai - mezzosopraan, Nancy T'ang, first Secretary of Mao
Rosanne van Sandwijk - mezzosopraan, Second Secretary of Mao
Helena Rasker - alt, Third Secretary of Mao
Janis Kelly - sopraan, Pat Nixon
Yun-Jeong Lee - sopraan, Chian Ch'ing
John Adams : Nixon in China