17 October 2012 at 8pm
Cité de la musique, Paris 221, avenue Jean Jaurčs 75019 Paris, France France +33 (0)1 44 84 44 84 http://www.cite-musique.frSophie Cherrier, Emmanuelle Ophčle, Matteo Cesari, flutes
Ensemble intercontemporain
Conductor Alejo Pérez
IRCAM computer music design Andrew Gerzso A tribute to a master, gone but forever alive, this is the principle that creates an elective chain among the works in this program.
Igor Stravinsky's Symphonies of Wind Instruments, composed in 1920, is dedicated to the memory of Claude Debussy, who died ten years earlier. In 1971, when Stravinsky passed away, Pierre Boulez imagined a project for a work shaped like a tomb ...explosante-fixe... that would become an element of the mixed music repertoire. Steine by Peter Eötvös, composed in 1985, is dedicated "from Peter to Pierre" to Pierre Boulez in celebration of his 60th birthday. And The Severed Garden, by the young German Genoël von Lilienstern, is a tribute to Eötvös completing this avalanche of dedications, replies, and apostrophes, beyond historical distances.
Genoël von Lilienstern : The Severed Garden Peter Eotvos : Steine Igor Stravinsky : Symphonies of Wind Instruments (1920 version) Pierre Boulez : ...explosante-fixe...
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